"Give her of the fruit of her hands, and let her works praise her in the gates." Proverbs 31:31

Fruitful Hands Business Academy is an 8 week live group program for women who want to start and grow a business with Jesus at the center. 

In this course + live group program you will learn the biblical principles as well as the structural and practical tools needed to serve, market, sell, and deliver as a woman of God in the marketplace.

Throughout these 8 weeks you'll be receiving daily accountability and support from me through a private telegram group chat in order to stay diligent and consistent in the action steps that you need to take in your business.

The best part is that you'll be alongside other women who have also been called to the marketplace and have ambitions to be a fruitful business owner.

The intention of Fruitful Hands Business Academy is to equip you in starting & launching your business and also having the tools & knowledge in maintaining it so that it continues to bear fruit. You will be encouraged every step of the way.


→7 Live group coaching calls 

 →Weekly modules with video lessons, prompts, and challenges released on a private learning portal 

 →Private telegram group for daily accountability and support 

 →Lifetime access to course content

fruitful hands business academy is for you if you know that you've been called to business but you're still struggling with:

Knowing what even is a faith-led business, having clarity on which actions to take and actually taking them, staying accountable, structure the vision your business, learn the back-end systems and practical parts of business, not being sure if this is really what God's called you to do, know how to transition an old business to be faith-based, know your unique set of tools and skills that you can monetize, release the fear of what other people online are going to think when you start to share your faith and business outwardly, started and ending up quitting many times, getting caught up in comparison with other people and business owners online

*note: there is an optional add-on at checkout if you're wanting extra 1:1 support throughout the 8 week live group program. i recommend this for you if you already know you're going to want more in depth coaching and accountability throughout the program.






Weekly Curriculum

01: Clearing the land

02: Laying the foundation:

03: Tools & testing the soil

04: Structure & systems

05: Integration Week

06: Fruit of the harvest

07: Maintaining the garden

"Lazy hands make for poverty, but diligent hands bring wealth." Proverbs 10:4


10/1 opening call

11/19 closing call



Sophie Doyle
FHBA Student Alumni

“Upon working with Jess, I didn't know my purpose, the work the Lord was calling me to do, or why I felt such a nudge to enrol in Fruitful Hands. I'm so happy that I listened to the very subtle yet obvious nudge to leap into Fruitful Hands because it's the best investment I've made thus far, and I feel if I hadn't enrolled, I may have still been in a space of confusion, procrastination and questioning with what the Lord was calling me to do. After enrolling, within a matter of days, the Lord spoke to me about the work He was calling me to do and I walked away with a brand new service on the way to being launched. Piece by piece, week by week, He gave me fresh insight that led to a whole new creation for His Kingdom. The weekly modules were perfect. Not only did this program help me to know what I was to offer, but it also helped me to hear the voice of the Lord and be bold with taking steps of obedience as well as stripping away the fear of man. Jess is a wise and kind Woman of God and coach who gives nothing but encouragement to help you grow in intimacy with the Lord and help you to see yourself as He sees you. The program had been perfectly created in a way that helped me to walk away with a jigsaw puzzle having been fully completed. This was the best investment, and she is the best coach.”

Anouk van Kalmthout
FHBA Student Alumni

“I am soooo happy I've entered FHBA! I felt pretty 'stuck' with my business and didn't know I needed all the things that were inside FHBA. Jessica's way of teaching is very much led by the Holy Spirit, she is so kind and wise and her modules are also very efficient. All throughout the course and live calls I felt so seen and encouraged. I've also underestimated the power of being together with such a loving group of women that are all in the same boat. Willing to work for the Kingdom and stimulating eachother in the most genuine way. I am sure that I didn't grow in my business the way that I have if I didn't apply for this course. Thank you so much Jess.”

Kaila Shanahan
FHBA Student Alumni

“I came across Jessica’s faith led business course at the perfect timing thanks to God!! I had just made a big decision to move my business to another location and rebrand. I was praying for God to give me direction and insight as to how He wanted me to glorify Him through the business He gave me! I didn’t know where to start. Then I saw a post on my IG feed about the Fruitful Hands Business Academy. It caught my attention right away. I was intrigued with what Jessica had to offer, so I reached out to her and asked a few questions. I prayed about it for a couple weeks and put it in Gods hands. One day I asked God to give me a sign if I should sign up. And He made it very clear!!! The name of my business is Beauty in Bloom, which the Lord helped me to come up with. Jessica posted about her academy again right before it was about to start. At the end of her post she wrote comment “BLOOM” if you want to join! I knew God was letting me know that He wanted me to be a part of the academy to give me the tools I needed for my faith led business! I learned so much in those 7 weeks. Jessica modules were easy to follow but challenging in a way that they helped me to dig deep and grow. The fellowship and encouragement from the other women in the class was such a blessing. Jessica helped me through some spiritual warfare I was experiencing as I was pressing into the calling God had for me. I was able to have a better understanding of my “niche” and over came a lot of fear and intimidation when it came to being more bold about my faith in Jesus with my clients! God revealed to me that He wanted me to be open with my faith and use my voice more. Since I finished the academy, God has given me the courage to openly talk about my love for Jesus, put on worship music at the studio, praying over clients, handing out bibles, and inviting my clients who don’t know Jesus yet to church! And have had many come join me! He has truly blessed my business and anointed it to be a place where people come in and feel the presence and peace of God. I am so grateful for Jessica and what God has done through her academy! I am so happy I took that leap of faith and invested into Gods Kingdom by signing up for the Fruitful Hands Business Academy!”

Jeannette Guerrero
FHBA Student Alumni

“I absolutely loved my experience in FHBA. The community was so good, and Jessica was incredible the entire way through. I did so much in the little time we had together. She really nudged and guided me when I needed it, and often times all I needed was to vent about my business frustrations and she was there always listening, giving advice if needed, and pointing me back to God. If you're feeling stuck in your business, or need that push to get things done, and also want to strengthen your relationship with God, I cannot recommend this program and her enough!”

Katie Jonzen
FHBA Student Alumni

“I wasn’t able to join the live calls due to time differences but FHBA has still been such a supportive resource! I’ve been in the process of shifting my business to faith-led offerings, and FHBA really covers the bases of how to go about this in a practical way. I love how easy the course is to navigate with short videos and effective exercises, and being able to catch up on the Live calls in my own time was perfect! Jessica’s depth and devotion to Christ is so clear and compelling — any fears I had about my calling have really been cast aside in seeing how beautifully she is serving the Lord. Glory to God”

Alaynah Penalosa
FHBA Student Alumni

“I joined FHBA to get more clarity on my next endeavor in the online space. I had several business ideas, but Jessica's guidance kept me focused on the Lord's voice. She called out the lies of the enemy that were preventing me from taking further action and encouraged me with new ideas and perspectives on social media and its role in ministry and business. From the course content to my 1:1 sessions with Jessica, she taught me that the Lord comes first, and He follows through in the wake of my efforts in His perfect timing. It was also amazing to see my community of fellow business owners bloom in their own journeys!"

Natasha Fong
FHBA Student Alumni

“Meeting Jessica and coming across FHBA has been such a blessing for me in this season. I have learnt so much about business & after losing purpose and vision for my kingdom business I feel that it has been ignited again. The foundation that this academy has been built on is true and secure because it’s focusing on Jesus and who we are called to serve. So thankful to Jess and her obedience to the Lord to serve and help other women in kingdom business. Highly recommend!”

Jessica Lewis
FHBA Student Alumni

“FHBA has been the best step I have taken in the last six months of my life and proved to be an incredible support system in my journey to deepen my faith and find hope for my future. Through this carefully curated program, my relationship with Jesus has become more fortified than ever before. Jessica, as the program leader, has been a true pillar of prayer, offering excellent guidance and support every step of the way. Her endless pouring out of the Lord's wisdom and shepherding compassion have truly made a difference in my life. Thanks to FHBA and Jessica, I feel more anchored in my faith and optimistic about what lies ahead. I would recommend this program to anyone seeking a more Christ like vision as to what is possible for their life!”

Madie Miller
FHBA Student Alumni

“Fruitful Hands Business Academy was such a blessing in my life. From the weekly coaching calls to the group chat - it was so beautiful to see God moving in our lives. Jess is a remarkable coach who teaches so boldly with the Holy Spirit. She speaks Gods truth over you with so much encouragement, guidance and direction. I often look back at my notes from our calls to remind myself of the wisdom she shared. I’m still sad it’s over and that’s when you know it was worth taking all together!“

Nadine Shüttler
FHBA Student Alumni

"I joined FHBA without having any business idea in my mind- just felt led to join. The Academy helped me to get clear in what my gifts are and what I would like to offer in the future. Jessica is such a gentle, loving, wise and God-fearing woman and i could really see how she is led by the Holy Spirit. She was able to create a community where I felt very welcomed and taken care of, she always prayed over us, made everyone feel seen and made sure that I had space for all my questions. I really appreciated that there where women from all different stages of age, life and walk in their business. If you want to get clear on your business or need some change/ help while still doing it unto the Lord I can highly recommend Jessica's Business Academy.”

Jenny Jonsson
FHBA Student Alumni

"Why did I make that decision to join Jessica's FHBA? I really don't know. Did I even need coaching? What about my age? How can I take advice from a woman that much younger than myself?? Truth is, in many ways, I probably can't. But there are ways in which I can. See, there's something about Jessica and the message she carries that got my attention. And it was through that group of amazing women of the FHBA program (Jessica included, of course). Through that group that I found motivation to DO actual work. Through witnessing their progress, through their support and loving company. Through hearing their stories - worries, doubts and also love for & trust in Him. In short, the program forced me to ask questions I had been avoiding (comfort zone, anyone?). And to see the bigger picture of what I was doing. It got me to ponder if I was really being of service to Him? Or anyone else for that matter. Jessica's faith-led coaching made me make a few necessary switches (which I knew I needed to do, but didn't want to...). And that's what made all the difference. All glory to God. And to Jesus without whom I'd still be a lost sheep."

Allison Collins
FHBA Student Alumni

“ Before joining FHBA, I was wavering on whether the business I was building was serving God and the life I felt called to live. Jess’ approach allowed me to gain clarity and include God not only in business, but in every aspect of life. It has guided me to establish a deeper faith and foundation on the Lord, and has totally renewed my mindset on my work and service. I feel so much more at peace now with where the Lord currently has me.”

Lilian Bik
FHBA Student Alumni

“Joining Fruitful Hands for me has been a blessing from the Lord. It helped me a lot in my early days walking with Jesus as I only gave my life to Him a few months before the group program started! In the past I had a new age business and was deceived by many many lies about what it means to be a woman. The shame and regret were really hard on me as it was never my intention to hurt others with my teachings in the past and Fruitful Hands was a soft resting place to uncover all of those layers and seek the Lord on how He wanted to restore my heart around my past business and redeem me. I got to receive the word from God about what place in the Kingdom market He is calling me into. I was overjoyed yet also nervous and thanks to Jessica her modules and structure in fruitful hands I am still applying the questions and guidance I received so I can get things clear with God on how, when and where to move.“

Cat Price
FHBA Student Alumni

“I joined FHBA because I was so fed up of stagnation in my business. I've followed Jess for a long time now on IG and this finally felt like the right opportunity to work with her. I'm so glad I answered the call! Jessica's faith is so deep-rooted that it cannot help but be an encouragement to us all. She also has a lot of tangible experience in business and it has given me SO much confidence to have a front-row seat to her wisdom. I'm finishing so many projects that I had let fall to the wayside (a podcast, a workshop, my 1:1 mentorship) as a direct result of the teachings and support in this group. I can't thank you enough, Jessica!”

Ashley Moret
FHBA Student Alumni

“Jessica is an incredible business coach and a beautiful steward of God. FHBA is an amazing program. If you feel the Lord calling you into this space, go for it! You won’t be disappointed. When I first joined I thought I was meant to be undercover about my faith in my somatic coaching business, but after a week in the course, God made it clear that that was not true. I began sharing my faith about Jesus and I have never felt so much freedom sharing on social media! Jess and her teachings supported me so much as I made this transition and I don’t think I could have done it so boldly without her help. Jess’s module on ‘spiritual warfare in the market place’ is seriously so good. I was able to move forward with things that I would have self-sabotaged myself with before. Jess structures the course so perfectly, taking you through the most important steps to create or transition your business into a faith based business! Throughout this program I fully transitioned my business into a faith based one, began posting boldly, learned how to fight against spiritual warfare in my business, launched a new group class and my new faith-based somatic mentorship. Oh and the best part, someone whose been following me throughout this transition who is not a Christian, had a vision about Jesus after seeing one of my posts and I’ve been sharing the gospel with her ever since! God is truly moving within Jess and within FHBA! Glory!!!“

Hollie Stanton
FHBA Student Alumni

“I feel to lucky to have taken Jessica’s course. Not only is she an amazing sister in Christ but she is incredible coach. She was able to work with myself and many other women all at different stages of our businesses. I have learned so much and am so excited to incorporate my faith within my business. To be able to glorify the lord while doing my dream job came to life with Jessica’s help. I am taking away so much more than I ever expected from this course. Thank you Jessica for being a fantastic coach and being a forever sister in Christ.”

Amy Hiticas
FHBA Student Alumni

"I joined because I didn’t know what God wanted to do next in my life, I was in such a foggy place. But as soon as I joined I felt so welcomed into a Godly COMMUNITY of women! And it was crazy to see that even though my season of life isn’t super business-focused, I found out how God wanted to speak to me and heal my heart, while also being equipped with tools for the future of my business. It was just such a safe space to be, listen, learn, and share my heart. I’m also so grateful for the connections I made! It’s special to know I have people to reach out to for support in any area and also be a support for other people! I really learned SO much from this and don’t regret the investment! :)”

Madisyn Wray
FHBA Student Alumni

“When I first joined FHBA I had no idea why God was leading me there. I didn’t have a business and wasn’t really sure if that was in God’s plans for me. But the moment after I took that step of faith, God met me right there. He started speaking life into me & showing me plans and visions of things to come in my future. I know that God is leading me somewhere incredible but what I didn’t know was how much I needed this fellowship of women! I have worked with Jess in the past, so I had no hesitation about working with her again. She is full of faith, wisdom, encouragement and she’s not afraid to speak the truth! She always speaks in love, has the biggest heart and a child like innocence that I truly admire with my whole being. She helped me get my priorities straight, learn to discern and hear what my Father’s voice sounds like, to stop believing the lies being shouted by the enemy and to take action and show up in the authority that has been given to me! Love you Jess! Thank you for your obedience to the Lord in creating spaces that has allowed me to grow and prosper in every area of my life!”

Michelle Bennett
FHBA Student Alumni

“I joined FHBA last minute (literally) from the Lords leading! I’ve been feeling a desire to be an entrepreneur and start something that the Lord’s planted in me for the Kingdom and I desired a strong and structured foundation from someone with experience before moving on because I had no real idea how or what to do. BEING IN JESSICA‘S ACADEMY DID JUST THIS!! It gave so much clarity, vision and practical structure on how to build from the ground up from steps in finding the ideal client/niche to market research and faith-led pricing. The class, videos and workbooks in themselves were super organized and beautifully made which gave me such a sense of peace and showed how Jessica really stewarded and cared about the work and girls God gave her! This academy was honestly one of the best experiences I’ve had! Breakthroughs kept coming with each class and it was so cool to be in an environment filled with the Holy Spirit!! I was especially encouraged in this when Jessica gave a confirming vision of something she saw the Lord leading me to do which was really a marker for me. It just spurred me on and really gave me courage and excitement to keep going because it was like wow okay maybe God really is with me in this and for me! I had a personal breakthrough near the end of the class as Jessica and the other sisters were holding me accountable to take the first practical steps on working on my business idea and from there I was able to gain more excitement and clarity for what I believe God is calling me to do! Jessica is a coach who LOVES the Lord walks in true humility and is led by the Holy Spirit and this is such a strengthener for the girls that God has given her to lead! I love how she was so rooted in scripture of biblical examples of godly women she herself looks to and I felt it encouraged all of us to step into that Kingdom role in our generation and world today!”

We begin October 1st!

Contact information

Billing address


This Client Agreement (the “Agreement”), dated (the
“Effective Date”), is made by and between Jessica Walling (hereafter
known as “Company” or “Teacher”, and The Client (hereafter known as
“Client”, and collectively, the “Parties”).
WHEREAS, Company provides business
mentoring (“Services”); and
WHEREAS, Client wishes to retain Company and accepts the terms and conditions
set forth herein to provide such Services.
NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants stated herein, the
Parties agree as follows:


Company agrees to provide teaching and mentorship for the group program Fruitful Hands Business Academy that includes 7 group calls and agrees to participate and support Client in Fruitful Hands Business Academy private telegram group and other program participants (herein referred to as the “Program”). Client agrees to abide by all policies and procedures as outlined in this agreement as a condition of their participation in the Program.


While the Program will be giving mindset advice, client understands Company is not a therapist or doctor.
Mentoring, which is not directive advice, counseling, or therapy, may address
overall goals, specific subjects, or general conditions in Client's life or profession.
Services may include shifting mindsets, giving support in multiple areas of life, holding space, setting priorities, establishing goals, identifying
resources, brainstorming, creating action plans, strategizing, asking clarifying
questions, and providing models, examples, and in-the-moment training.
Company promises that all information provided by Client will be kept strictly
confidential, as permissible by law.
If the Client is under the care of a healthcare professional or currently uses prescription
medications, the Client should discuss any dietary changes or potential
dietary supplements use with his or her doctor, and should not discontinue any
prescription medications without first consulting his or her doctor. Client understands
that the information in this Program is NOT medical or nursing advice and
is not meant to take the place of seeing licensed health professionals.


Each week you’ll receive training correlating to
the month’s agenda with action steps to take in your own life, weekly calls, Telegram support, and content uploaded to ThriveCart Learn portal.
Client asks all questions, post celebrations, and interact inside the online
community and if additional support is needed will email holygirlsbusiness@gmail.com
Company’s requests for Client’s participation in the Program:Please be on time to all calls. If you will be late, notify Company
in advance. Be honest and participate fully. Recognize that our sessions are a safe
place to look at what you really want, and what it will take to make it
Make a commitment to the action plans you create, and do what you
have agreed to do.
Understand that the power of the coaching relationship can only be
granted by you, and commit to making the relationship powerful. If you
see that the program is not working as you desire, communicate and
take action to return the power to the relationship.
4. TERM.

This is an 8 week program. Client understands that a relationship with Company does not exist between the Parties after the conclusion of the Program. If the
Parties desire to continue their relationship, a separate agreement will be
entered into.

Company is committed to providing Client with a positive Program experience.
By signing below, Client agrees that the Company may, at its sole discretion,
terminate this Agreement and limit, suspend or terminate Client’s participation
in the Program without refund or forgiveness of monthly payments if Client becomes
disruptive or upon violation of the terms. If Client decides to terminate
this Agreement, no refunds will be issued. Client agrees that Company can cancel the Program at any point.


Total price of this Program is $700 regular price (USD) and $1697 to add on 1:1 coaching that includes 8 week voxer access and 3 1:1 calls. Payments can be broken up into two payments plan. Payments are made via Thrivecart and will be deducted automatically each month on the same date as the original payment. Client is responsible for scheduled payments after the Program has ended. If payments are not completed, access will be taken away from the Program.


Client is responsible for full payment of fees for the entire Program, regardless of whether Client completes the Program. To further clarify, no refunds will be issued.


This Agreement is considered a mutual non-disclosure agreement. Both Parties
agree not to disclose, reveal or make use of any information learned by either
party during discussions, Or otherwise, throughout the Term of this Program
(“Confidential Information”). Confidential Information includes, but is not limited
to, information disclosed in connection with this Agreement, and shall not include
information rightfully obtained from a third party. Both Parties shall keep
all Confidential Information strictly confidential by using a reasonable degree of
care, but not less than the degree of care used by it in safeguarding its own
confidential information. The obligation of the Parties hereunder to hold the information
confidential does not apply to information that is subsequently acquired
by either Party from a third party who has a bona fide right to make such
information available without restriction. Both Parties agree that any and all
Confidential Information learned as of the Effective Date shall survive the termination,
revocation, or expiration of this Agreement.


Notwithstanding anything in the foregoing, in the event that Client is required by
law to disclose any of the Confidential Information, Client will (i) provide Company
with prompt notice of such requirement prior to the disclosure, and (ii) give
Company all available information and assistance to enable Company to take
the measures appropriate to protect the Confidential Information from disclosure.


Material given to Client in the course of Client’s work with the Company is proprietary,
copyrighted and developed specifically for Company. Client agrees
that such proprietary material is solely for Client’s own personal use. Any disclosure
to a third party is strictly prohibited.
Company’s program is copyrighted and the original materials that have been
provided to Client are for Client's individual use only and are granted as a single-user
license. Client is not authorized to use any of Company’s intellectual
property for Client's business purposes. All intellectual property, including
Company’s copyrighted program and/or course materials, shall remain the sole
property of the Company. No license to sell or distribute Company’s materials is
granted or implied.
Further, by signing below, Client agrees that if Client violates, or displays any likelihood
of violating, any of Client’s agreements contained in this paragraph,
Company will be entitled to injunctive relief to prohibit any such violations and
to protect against the harm of such violations.


Client shall not make any false, disparaging, or derogatory statement in public
or private regarding Company, its employees, or agents. Company shall not
make any false, disparaging, or derogatory statements in public or private regarding
Client and its relationship with Company.


Client agrees to indemnify and hold harmless Company, its affiliates, and its respective
officers, directors, agents, employees, and other independent contractors
from any and all claims, demands, losses, causes of action, damage, lawsuits,
judgments, including attorneys’ fees and costs, arising out of, or relating to,
Client’s participation or action(s) under this Agreement. Client agrees to defend
against any and all claims, demands, causes of action, lawsuits, and/or judgments
arising out of, or relating to, the Client’s participation under this Agreement,
unless expressly stated otherwise by Company, in writing.


If a dispute is not resolved first by good-faith negotiation between the Parties to
this Agreement, every controversy or dispute to this Agreement will be submitted
to the American Arbitration Association. The arbitration shall occur within ninety-
(90)-days from the date of the initial arbitration demand and shall take place in New York. The Parties shall cooperate in exchanging and expediting
discovery as part of the arbitration process and shall cooperate with each
other to ensure that the arbitration process is completed within the ninety-(90)-
day period. The written decision of the arbitrators (which will provide for the
payment of costs, including attorneys’ fees) will be absolutely binding and conclusive
and not subject to judicial review, and may be entered and enforced in
any court of proper jurisdiction, either as a judgment of law or decree in equity,
as circumstances may indicate.


This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the
laws of the state of New York regardless of the conflict of laws principles thereof.


This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the Parties with respect
to its relationship, and supersedes all prior oral or written agreements, understandings
and representations to the extent that they relate in any way to
the subject matter hereof. Neither course of performance, nor course of dealing,
nor usage of trade, shall be used to qualify, explain, supplement or otherwise
modify any of the provisions of this Agreement. No amendment of, or any
consent with respect to, any provision of this Agreement shall bind either party
unless set forth in a writing, specifying such waiver, consent, or amendment,
signed by both parties. The headings of Sections in this Agreement are provided
for convenience only and shall not affect its construction or interpretation.


This Agreement may be executed in one or more counterparts (including by
means of facsimile or electronic mail via portable document format), each of
which shall be deemed an original but all of which together will constitute one
and the same instrument.


Should any provision of this Agreement be or become invalid, illegal, or unenforceable
under applicable law, the other provisions of this Agreement shall not
be affected and shall remain in full force and effect.


The waiver or failure of Company to exercise in any respect any right provided
for herein shall not be deemed a waiver of any further right hereunder.


This Agreement may not be assigned by either Party without express written consent
of the other Party.


In the event that any cause beyond the reasonable control of either Party, including
without limitation acts of God, war, curtailment or interruption of transportation facilities, threats or acts of terrorism, State Department travel advisory,
labor strike or civil disturbance, make it inadvisable, illegal, or impossible, either
because of unreasonable increased costs or risk of injury, for either Party to perform
its obligations under this Agreement, the affected Party’s performance
shall be extended without liability for the period of delay or inability to perform
due to such occurrence.


Client accepts and agrees that Client is 100% responsible for its progress and results from the Program. Company will help and guide Client; however, participation
is the one vital element to the Program’s success that relies solely on Client.
Company makes no representations, warranties or guarantees verbally or in writing
regarding Client’s performance. Client understands that because of the nature
of the program and extent, the results experienced by each client may significantly
vary. By signing below, Client acknowledges that there is an inherent
risk of loss of capital and there is no guarantee that Client will reach its goals as
a result of participation in the Program and Company’s comments about the
outcome are expressions of opinion only. Company makes no guarantee other
than that the Services offered in this Program shall be provided to Client in accordance
with the terms of this Agreement.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties, intending to be legally bound, have executed
this Client Agreement as of the date that the terms are agreed upon.
I agree

Optional add on - 2 Private 1:1 calls + Voxer support

$1500 $997

Wanting more support from Jessica throughout this group program? Select this offer and receive 2 1:1 calls and private Voxer support throughout the 8 weeks of this group program.

Choose a pricing option

  • Preferred option
    Pay in full ($700)$700.00
  • Preferred option
    Payment Plan (2x $350)2x $350.00
  • Preferred option
    Fruitful Hands + 1:1 Add on ~ Payment Plan (2x$848.50)2x $848.50
  • Preferred option
    Fruitful Hands + 1:1 Add on Payment plan (3x$565.67)3x $565.67

Payment information

You will not be charged for this purchase, but if you choose to make an optional purchase later, this card info will be used to complete that transaction!


Fruitful Hands Business Academy$0

  • Total payment
  • 1xFruitful Hands Business Academy$0

All prices in USD
